Thursday, March 14, 2013

Well hello there sunshine!

I've been perusing my winter wedding photos, sorting through shots of romantic candlelit weddings and amazingly beautiful couples.   I've decided to post them at a later date because THE SUN IS SHINING AND ITS 72 DEGREES OUTSIDE!  You hear that???  72 DEEEGREEES!!!  For those of you that don't understand my absolute exhilaration (some may call it hysteria), let me explain.  We native Utah dwellers LOVE our beautiful winters.  They're gorgeous and sparkly and quiet and romantic but right around March we start to miss the feel of the warm sunshine on our faces.  We miss the smell of grass and leaves and dirt.   And every year  March teases us with a teeeny little glimpse of Spring.   Coats are ditched for tank tops, boots are ditched for flip flops and all logic is ditched when we start taking the tops off of our convertibles.  We celebrate these beautiful spring days because we's Utah.  It will change. celebration of this lovely, not-for-long Spring day enjoy some shots from a wedding we designed at Sky Lodge for a most beautiful couple.  Thank you Casey and Ed for allowing us to share this day with you and thank you Travis J Photography for the AMAZING photography!  I loved the organic details contrasted with the vibrant, euro-garden blooms.  The communal style farm tables brought charm and warmth to the super cool patio space in the heart of Main Street, Park City.